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SHIMLA: As many as over 55000 cases at prelitigation stage and pending matters are likely to be taken at the National Lok Adalat being held in all district courts of Himachal Pradesh on 11th of March, 2023.

According to HP State Legal Services Authority(HPSLA), member secretary, Prem Pal Ranta, a  national Lok Adalat is being held as per the direction from the HPSLA executive director and the acting Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court justice Smt Sabina.

He said that a highlight of the National Lok Adalat is that a special online Adalat for MV Challan case,  which are at pre-litigation stage is also being organized in coordination with Himachal Pradesh police and transport departments.

Ranta said the online facility for payment of compounding fee through e-pay of  e-Court digital payment has also provided in the cases of MV Challan cases, which are pending in the Courts of Traffic magistrates in the state.

HPSLA is using SMS messages, jingles and distribution of publicity material, spreading awareness by associating local bodies, stakeholders, NGOs,  representatives Panchayat Raj institutions,  Para legal volunteers, public transport services and the like.

Ranta said till now more than 55,000 such cases  have been identified by different courts for settlement before the upcoming national Lok Adalat.

He said that this figure may go up as all district courts are making extra efforts to mobilize all the stakeholders for the success of the National Lok Adalat.

Police have also identified about 1 Lakh traffic challans cases at pre-litigation stage. Police is sounding the public  through SMS messages through its SMS gateway, facilitating paying of the compounding fee online without a physical appearance before the compounding authority.

Ranta said the extra efforts are being pressed into service through media, social media, news websites and other means to mobilize the stakeholders for the Lok Adalat in the state.

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