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HimbuMail is a dedicated online hard news portal driven by professional journalists on a non-profit basis. Your financial support is crucial for our sustainable operation. 

### Promoting Positive Journalism

We believe in the power of positive journalism to uplift society and spread positive vibes. To bring you fresh, impactful stories, our team, dedicating their full time and effort. 

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Running HimbuMail involves substantial costs—travel, covering news, maintaining the site, and sustaining our livelihoods. Advertising and donations are essential for us to continue providing free, high-quality news to make HimbuMail a real voice people of Himachal and Himalaya in general. 

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**Your support is vital** to keep positive journalism alive. Thank you for making a difference!

-KuldeepChauhan Editor in Chief-cum- Site owner, HimbuMail,

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The mainstream media houses dominated by the city- centric editors have been indifferent to the problems and issues faced by the Himalayan people down the centuries. HimbuMail is born to fill this gap and seeks to become their real voice.


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Why Donate ?

HimbuMail is new web newsepaper and is being run on no-profit basis by professionals, who need financial support for  sustainable operation of the web news portal.

your support is Supreme!

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