NEW DELHI: Now Kanoon Andha Nahin Hai.
In a pathbreaking move, Chie Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud has led the effort to modernize the symbol of justice in India's courts by removing the "blindfold" from the "Goddess of Justice."
Historically, the blindfold represented impartiality, but blind, a tradition installed in the Supreme Court and high courts across India.
However, this symbol is now being reimagined to convey that justice is not blind but actively responsive.
The new statue replaces the sword with the Constitution, reflecting a shift toward fairness and constitutional adherence, a move aimed at restoring public confidence in the judicial system.
This transformation addresses the growing concerns of the common man about the judiciary being time-consuming and expensive.
By removing the blindfold, the CJI seeks to assure the public that justice is not only about balancing the scales but also being aware of the social realities.
The decision comes at a time when India is revisiting its colonial legacies, signaling a new era where the judiciary will be seen as a new hope and accountability for the common man.