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Friday - October 18, 2024

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  • HimbuMailNewsService

SHIMLA: Under the patronage of Shri Justice Mamidanna Satya Ratna Sri Ramachandra Rao, Chief Justice of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, and the able guidance of Shri Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan, Judge of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh and Executive Chairman of the H.P. State Legal Services Authority, a National Lok Adalat is set to take place across all courts in the state on September 9th, 2023.

To provide greater accessibility and convenience, an online payment facility for compounding fees through ePay (eCourts Digital Payment) has been introduced, particularly for cases related to Motor Vehicle Challans, within the jurisdictions of Traffic Magistrates.

Member Secretary, HPSLSA  Virender Sharma said the efforts are underway to raise awareness about the National Lok Adalat among litigants through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials. Local bodies, stakeholders, NGOs, representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Para Legal Volunteers, and Public Transport Services are actively engaged in spreading awareness about this event.

The upcoming National Lok Adalat aims to settle a significant number of cases. As of now 60,000 cases have been identified across various courts for potential resolution during this event, he informed.

*Regular meetings are being held with local Bar Associations, Insurance Companies, Banks, and Financial Institutions to efficiently identify cases that could be resolved through this platform.*

Recognizing the influential role of both print and electronic media, these platforms have been crucial in disseminating legal awareness among the wider public. Their continuous support has significantly contributed to raising awareness.

The organizers of the National Lok Adalat earnestly request extensive media coverage for this event. They hope that news of the upcoming National Lok Adalat will be widely spread, enabling the litigant public to take advantage of this opportunity and resolve their disputes and claims before the event on September 9th, 2023.

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