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Diseased apple orchards in Chohara Valley Rohru
Infected apple orchard in Chohara in Rohru

Himachal Pradesh: Apple Orchards Under Threat from Blight and Fungal Diseases..

Shimla: Apple farmers in the apple belt of Himachal Pradesh are on high alert following reports of blight and fungal diseases sweeping through their orchards.

The alarming situation was brought to light by the HimbuMail, prompting Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry in Nauni, Solan to take immediate action.

Experts at the university's Department of Plant Pathology have been receiving diseased samples and photos from concerned farmers.

They have identified visible symptoms of foliar diseases, including Alternaria leaf spot/blight and other leaf spots, in various apple orchards across the region.

Hod, department of plant   pathology at the university, explained, "The recent widespread rains have created perfect conditions for these diseases to spread, with the combination of temperature, humidity, and wetness proving ideal for the outbreak."

In response, the university and the Directorate of Horticulture have issued a crucial advisory for farmers. Farmers are being advised to use protective sprays of mancozeb (600 grams per 200 liters of water) to manage Alternaria leaf spot/blight and other leaf spots.

For more severe cases, alternating sprays of fungicide formulations such as hexaconazole 4% + zineb 68% WP (500 grams per 200 liters of water) or carbendazim 25% + flusilazole 12.5% SC (160 ml per 200 liters of water) every 10-12 days are recommended.

Hod added, "It's essential for farmers to continuously monitor the disease status in their orchards and apply fungicides as needed. This proactive approach will help mitigate the impact of these diseases."

But the scientists have yet to come out from their study rooms to take a look and assess the situation on the ground zero. 

The advisory also encourages farmers to report symptoms and send photographs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further guidance.

The situation has caused considerable concern among apple farmers, who are now scrambling to protect their crops from these damaging diseases.

If the leaves drop off premature,  the chances of the crop is hard hit for next year. 

The new varieties particularly are found to be more  susceptible to the blight and fungal diseases if the rigorous spray regime is not followed.

May pictures and videos on orchards showing   dry and pale and spotted leaves have gone viral on social media.

The farmers need to protect the apple trees from fungal and blight infections as highlighted in HimbuMail following article by Ex VC Dr Vijay Singh Thakur that has caught attention of the Dr YSP UHF Nauni. 

The farmers in lower altitude are about to start plucking even as they face yet another lean crop year in a row. There are no incentives for the  farmers  from the government. They have to rough it out themselves in their fields. 

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