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Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samiti Submits Memorandum to MLAs: Calls for Mission-Mode Crackdown on Drug Menace..

Shimla, March 11, 2025 – The Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samiti has taken a firm stand against the growing drug menace in the state, urging the government and society to take the bull by the horns instead of resorting to lip service.

The organization has submitted a memorandum to MLAs across the state, demanding a comprehensive and result-oriented anti-drug policy.

Committees from Shimla, Sirmaur, and Solan personally handed over memorandums to their respective MLAs, while other districts sent their demands via WhatsApp.

Among those who received the memorandum in Shimla were MLAs Sudhir Sharma (Dharamshala), Lokendra Singh (Ani), Satpal Satti (Una), Vivek Sharma (Kutlehar), Chandrashekhar (Dharampur), Bhawani Singh Pathania (Fatehpur), Randhir Sharma (Sri Naina Devi), Dr. Janak Raj (Bharmour), and Harish Janartha (Shimla Urban).

The Sirmaur unit submitted the memorandum to Nahan MLA Ajay Solanki, while in Solan, due to the ongoing budget session, it was handed over to the son of Minister Colonel Dhani Ram Shandil.

Mission Mode Needed, Dilly-Dallying Won’t Work

The Samiti has called on the government and opposition to prioritize the drug issue in the ongoing budget session and push for a robust and actionable policy.

It has also demanded strict punitive measures to curb the use of drugs during the upcoming Panchayati Raj elections.

Stressing the urgency of treating the drug menace like a pandemic, the committee has demanded that the state launch an all-out war against drugs in mission mode.

Proposed Interventions

To make the war against drugs truly effective, the Gyan Vigyan Samiti has outlined a multi-pronged approach:

State-Level Mission: A high-powered task force led by the Chief Minister, focusing on reducing demand and cutting supply chains.

Dedicated Coordination & Execution Cell: A special unit to coordinate efforts between various departments, ensuring smooth resource allocation, data collection, and program evaluation.

Expanded Treatment & De-Addiction Services: Strengthening OPD and IPD facilities in every district, establishing government-run rehab centers, and implementing de-addiction programs in jails.

Demand Reduction Strategies: Launching awareness drives, school & college programs, and parental engagement initiatives.

The committee also suggested a special program for mothers (Mothers Against Addiction - MAA) to help them recognize behavioral changes in their children and take early intervention measures.

Mental Health Focus: Establishing 24x7 helplines and integrated mental health services, with increased recruitment of psychiatrists and counselors.

Capacity Building & Training: Training law enforcement, healthcare providers, teachers, and community leaders to adopt a stigma-free and supportive approach.

Myth-Busting Campaigns: Running targeted awareness campaigns to eliminate misconceptions and misinformation about drug use.

Data-Driven Planning & Monitoring: Conducting evidence-based research to track trends, regional patterns, and emerging hotspots.

Special Focus on Border Regions: Implementing targeted interventions in districts bordering Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, and Chandigarh, while coordinating with neighboring states for joint action against drug cartels.

No Social Boycott, But Action on Big Suppliers

The Samiti has also made a crucial appeal to Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Body representatives—do not socially boycott drug addicts and their families.

Instead, help them get medical treatment and rehabilitation. At the same time, pressure must be mounted on law enforcement agencies to go after the real culprits—the big drug suppliers.

With the government dragging its feet and the drug problem spiraling out of control, the Gyan Vigyan Samiti has made it clear—half-hearted measures won’t work anymore.

It’s time for Himachal Pradesh to take decisive, mission-mode action before it’s too late.

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