
Tuesday - March 04, 2025

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  • HimbuMail News Service

Shimla- Department of Information Technology in Himachal Pradesh, India, has changed its name to the Department of Digital Technologies and Governance.

It is the first state in India to adopt this name, aligning with the evolving digital landscape.

The department's responsibilities have expanded beyond traditional information technology to encompass a broader range of digital technologies and governance-related activities.

The vision is to digitally transform Himachal Pradesh through advanced technologies, reliable data, connectivity, and effective governance for inclusive development, said Dr Abhishek Jain,  secretary IT.

The department will develop and implement policies for areas such as artificial intelligence, drones, cloud computing, and big data analytics.

The revised rules of business include fostering collaborations between academia, industry, and government, upgrading digital infrastructure.

It aims to ensure accessibility and affordability of digital services for all citizens.

The department aims to function in a more professional manner to involve all stakeholders and bring the benefits of digital transformation to the people of Himachal Pradesh, Jain claimed.

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