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SHIMLA: Constitution day was celebrated at Himachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority, All District Legal Services Authorities and all Sub-Divisional Legal Services Committees in Himachal Pradesh.

Taking solemn pledge to promote constitutional values among citizens, particularly equal justice and free legal aid, the state legal fraternity remembered the founding fathers of Constitution today. 

As the clock struck at the midnight hour on 14-15 August, 1947, the President of the Constituent Assembly of India stood-up and took the solemn pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people

Today on this constitution day all the Functionaries of the Legal Services Institutions have taken a pledge to promote the values and ideals of constitution.

Article 39A of the Constitution deals with the provisions of equal justice and free legal aid.

In 1987, the State Legal Services Authorities Act was enacted to constitute Legal Services Authorities. It provides free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities. 

This Act alims at organising  Lok Adalats to secure that the operation of legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity, said Prem Pal Ranta, member secretary, HPSLSA. 

'This is a rare coincidence that National Lok Adalat is scheduled to be held in the State of Himachal Pradesh just on the following day of celebration of constitution day", he said.

Celebration of Constitution day is marked by reading out the preamble of the constitution at all levels which records the aims and aspiration of the people of India.

This day is a day of festivity. 27.11.2022 will be another day of Utsav throughout the state expecting large footfall of the litigant public to resolve their disputes amicably before the Lok Adalat, Ranta said.

This National Lok Adalat is going to be organised in all Courts in the State of Himachal Pradesh under the Patronage of Patron-in-Chief Hon’ble Shri Justice Amjad A.Sayed, Chief Justice, High Court of Himachal Pradesh and under able guidance of Hon’ble Smt. Justice Sabina, Judge, High Court of Himachal Pradesh and Executive Chairperson, Himachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority.

133 Lok Adalat Benches have been constituted throughout the State for smooth running of Lok Adalat. Till now 92,407(13781 Pre-litigation and 78626 Post-litigation) cases have been identified for this National Lok Adalat by different Courtsin the State which is a record number.

As per directions of the Hon’ble Patron-in-Chief and Hon’ble Executive Chairperson, HPSLSA is organising for the first time a Special Online Lok Adalat with technical support of SAMA, an online dispute resolution organisation, for MV Challans at Pre-litigation Stage on 27th November 2022 with the National Lok Adalat. This step has been taken to facilitate compounding of Motor Vehicle Challans by the violators from their home(s) without coming to the Courts physically and to save their time and expenses.

This Authority has coordinated with the HP Police Department and Department of Transport for maximum identification and effective settlement of MV Challans at the Pre-litigation stage. These departments have notified their Nodal and Compounding Officers for better coordination and successful organisation of this Special Online Lok Adalat.

About 3,34,211 MV Challans at Pre-litigation stage have been identified and 1,88,238 cases are successfully uploaded on SAMA platform and SMS messages with the payment link and details of the challans have been sent to parties accordingly.

Besides this, for pending challans in the Courts, similar facility i.e. ePay (eCourts Digital Payment) for online payment of compounding fee/fine has also been provided to the litigant public, enabling them to settle their cases at home by paying the compounding fee/fine without any physical appearance before the compounding authority or the court.

A special drive was undertaken for mass awareness about National Lok Adalat by associating local bodies, police, financial institutions, banks, NGOs, stakeholders, representatives of PRIs, PLVs, Asha/Anganwari workers, Public Transport Services etc. An appeal was made to the litigantpublic through print and electronic media to participate in this National Lok Adalat and also through Jingles, radio messages, I.E.C. materials etc. for larger participation.

Himachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority has always been grateful to all the members of Print and Electronic Media for their valuable support and services for making National Lok Adalats a complete success.

For this upcoming National Lok Adalat, we also acknowledge a great contribution of all the members of Print and Electronic Media by making litigant public aware about the upcoming National Lok Adalat and for their large participation

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