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  • HimbuMailNewsService

SHIMLA: In a significant judicial development, the Himachal Pradesh High Court has ordered a fine of Rs. 1 lakh on state authorities for unnecessarily prolonging litigation and subjecting a petitioner to prolonged legal battles spanning over 14 years.

The ruling, delivered by the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bipin Chander Negi, came in response to a petition filed by Narsingh Dutt against the State of Himachal Pradesh.

The fine is to be paid by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and the Divisional Forest Officer, Shimla, by 30th April 2024.

The case, bearing CWP No.5984/2021, revolved around Dutt's quest for regularization and the grant of work charge status after serving as a daily wage worker for several years. Dutt contended that he fulfilled the requisite criteria for regularization under prevailing policies.

The court, in its decision dated 28th February 2024, criticized the state authorities for their repeated objections and delays in addressing Dutt's legitimate claims.

Justice Negi observed that the authorities had consistently obstructed Dutt's pursuit of justice by raising frivolous objections, contrary to established legal precedents.

The judgment highlighted instances where similar individuals were granted work charge status, while Dutt's claims were repeatedly denied.

The  court cited specific orders issued by the Forest Department, indicating the grant of work charged status to other employees in similar circumstances.

Consequently, the High Court quashed the impugned order dated 4th September 2020, directing the state authorities to grant Dutt work charge status from 1st January 2002 onwards, along with all associated benefits.

Additionally, the court imposed a fine of Rs. 1 lakh on the concerned departmental officials for their role in prolonging the litigation and causing undue hardship to Dutt.

The ruling serves as a stern warning against the misuse of legal processes and underscores the judiciary's commitment to protecting the rights of individuals against bureaucratic indifference and delays. 

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