Himalayan Silence: When 14 MPs Are Mute, Even Disasters Can't Shake Them. These MPs face trolls on social media.
SHIMLA/DEHRADUN: In the vulnerable mountains of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, where nature's wrath is as predictable as the monsoon, a baffling silence emanates from the representatives of these States.

With 15 MPs from these two states—eight from Uttarakhand and seven from Himachal Pradesh—most of them wearing the BJP badge, one would expect an uproar in Parliament over the relentless cloudbursts, flash floods, landslides, and forest fires that wreak havoc year after year.
But instead, the only sound is the deafening silence of their indifference.
In Himachal, where the Congress holds the reins of the state government, these BJP MPs seem content to let the mountains crumble while they remain mute.
There was one notable exception from Himachal. Rajya Sabha BJP MP Harsh Mahajan led the Himachal in Rajya Sabha, and raised the issue of devastation caused by the July 31 cloud bursts and flash floods in Himachal.
Mahajan sought rethink on the design of roads by NHAI and a regular safety checks of all dams in the state.
Meanwhile, in Uttarakhand, where the BJP governs, the silence is even more conspicuous.
It's as if speaking out might disturb the delicate balance of their political careers, which are evidently more important than the lives and livelihoods of their people.

History bears witness to this shocking apathy. Disasters have come and gone, leaving behind tales of destruction and loss, but not a peep has been heard from these MPs.
It's as if the very mountains they represent have silenced them, leaving the people to fend for themselves while their so-called leaders sit idle in the comfort of their positions not speaking a word in Parliament.
And then, to add insult to injury, it's a woman MP from Chhattisgarh Ranjeet Ranjan who stands up in Parliament to raise the issues of climate change, landslides, and forest fires vulnerabilities of Char Dhams in the Himalayan states
A Chhattisgarh Congress MP! The irony is almost too much to bear.
We have 8 MPs from #Uttarakhand in Lok/Rajya Sabha. Yet it is an MP from Chattisgarh who expresses her concerns on development & nature. She raises issues of climate change, disasters, landslides, cloud burst & forest fires in our state. Would like to see our 8 MPs talk like this, Xed SDC Foundation President Anoop Nautiyal.
Trolls are shaming them to break their silence considering thousands pilgrims got stranded in Kedarnath and other Dham recently. They were rescued by SDRF teams.
But we have representatives who are more interested in measuring out plots for resorts, cutting down forests to make way for new roads, and eyeing lands for their next big development project than they are in addressing the natural disasters that threaten to wipe out entire communities, trolled Uttarakhand residents.
This isn't just silence—this is complicity. The BJP MPs from Uttarakhand are so paralyzed by the fear of upsetting the powers that be in their party that they've chosen to bury their heads in the sand rather than speak out against the very issues that are tearing their state apart.
And let's be clear: their silence is not just about maintaining political power; it's about the willful neglect of their duty to protect their people.
Citizens and NGOs alike are fed up. The trolling on social media is relentless, but it's going to take more than a few tweets to wake these MPs from their deep slumber.
Over 55 people disappeared in recent flash floods in Himachal. But not heard a word about it in Parliament. Any MP raised the issue except Mahajan?
The traveler’s comparison rings painfully true: the eastern Himalayas have managed to preserve a balance and harmony with nature that is starkly absent in the western hills and mountains.
The rush to commercialize, to build, to develop at any cost, has led to a situation where even the most basic responsibilities of governance—like speaking up in Parliament—are neglected.
So here’s the wake-up call, loud and clear: It’s time for these 14 other MPs to find their voices before history remembers them as nothing more than silent accomplices to the destruction of the Himalayan states.
The disasters won’t stop, the lives won’t be spared, and the wounded mountains won't heal itself.
The only question now is whether these MPs will finally stand up and do their jobs, or if they’ll continue to sit in silence while the mountains fall around them.
To be updated