SHIMLA: The Registrar General of Himachal Pradesh High Court Virender Singh and District and Sessions Judge, Shimla Suhshil Kukreja have been appointed as judges of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh today.
In a Notification issued on August 12, 2022 by the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India, President of India is pleased to appoint Sushil Kukreja and Virender Singh as judges of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh in that order of seniority.
They have been appointed as judges with effect from the date they assume the charge of their respective offices, said the notification.
This notification followed today by the Law and Justice Ministry after Supreme Court Collegium had approved the proposal for elevation of the two senior judicial officers of Himachal Pradesh, Sushil Kukreja, and Virender Singh as judges of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh.
Supreme Court Collegium had its meeting held on 25th July, 2022 and accorded its approval for proposal for elevation of Sushil Kukreja and Virender Singh, both judicial officers as judges of the High Court.
With their elevation as judges, High Court of Himachal Pradesh will have now 11 judges including the Chief Justice of the High Court.
Currently Virender Singh as the Registrar General in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh. Sushsil Kukreja is the district and sessions judge Shimla.
Chief Justice and high court judges are appointed by the President of India under clause 1 of Article 217 of Constitution.
After the Supreme Court collegium approval, the file is sent to the Union Law and Justice Ministry.
The minister further sent it to the President of India, who signs the warrant of appointment to the judges.
As per constitutional procedure, the proposal for appointment of judges is initiated by Chief Justice of the High court.