
Monday - March 03, 2025

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan, Editor HimbuMail
Beas river and pollution in Kullu valley by Kuldeep Chauhan
Beas river and pollution in Kullu valley by Kuldeep Chauhan

SHIMLA: Central government banning single-use plastic in India from July 1 has come as a major solace for hill stations choked with plastic due to mass tourism activities in  Himachal Pradesh.  

The good news is that Himachal is home to India’s 7% of total faunal species and its forest cover has increased by 915 square kms for the last 2 years as compared with 2019. 

The state has shown “green shots of green growth” and the horticulture industry is a main driver of growth that generates 90 Million Mandays of employment in the state. 

The real worry, however,  is that increased use of pesticides in agri-horticulture sector, devastating flash floods and trash and junk at tourist destinations and hill stations  continue to pose health and environmental hazards in the state. These have become a major cause of concern for all stakeholders and policy planners to reverse the trend. 

These facts have come to light on World Environment Day today in State Environment Report (SER), which was released by Probodh Saxena, Additional Chief Secretary, Environment, Science and Technology, Himachal Government on Sunday here.   

The report has kindled a hope that Himachal Pradesh can show the way for green growth in the Himalaya.

But this has come with a concern over the use of pesticides and flash floods caused by extreme weather events and soil erosion triggered by climate change.  The illegal mining and  minerals is also cause of concern for health of environment.

The report has however lost sight of the fact the dust pollution is caused by movement of traffic even in the capital city of Shimla.

PWD leaves behind layers of sands spread on the roads to avoid skidding on snow in winter months, which subsequently turn out a main reason for dust pollution in many areas, observes Dr Surinder Shandil, an environmental engineer in Shimla.    

According to the report, Himachal Pradesh is home to India’s 7% of total of 89,500 animal species whereas it has just 1.7% of country’s geographical area.

SER has also proved pessimists and environment activists wrong. The naysayers have been pleading that deforestation and horticultural encroachments have eroded Himachal’s greenery over the decades.

But SER claims that in the last two years area under forest cover has been increased by 915 square kms as compared with 2019.

Though the SET cites reason that Himachal has made intense efforts for increasing its forest cover, but the forest communities plead that the natural generation of species has increased in many areas where “human interference” is less.

SER has come as mixed bag highlighting positive and negative trends in the State.

In Agriculture and Horticulture Sector, synthetic resources like use of pesticides is a cause of concern and so is  as these are generating pollution.

The net area cultivated under cultivation has decreased, but production per hectare is increasing due to technological advancement in agriculture sector.

New trend is that cropping intensity shows fluctuating trends while new opportunities are  emerging with growing demands of flowers, aromatic and medicinal plants in urban markets across the country.

Fruit Production Activities Generate 90 Million Mandays

Government of Himachal Pradesh has placed great emphasis on horticulture. It is estimated that 900 lakh Mandays of employment is  generated in fruit production activities mainly the apple industry  alone.

Besides food production, ancillary horticulture activities like mushroom, floriculture, beekeeping are also being promoted.

But generation of pollution from synthetic resources like use of pesticides is cause of concern, the report warns.


Himachal Pradesh possesses more than 7% of total faunal species out of 89,500 animal species of country whereas it is has very small geographical area i.e. 1.7% of country.

Water Resources and Glaciers 

The receding glaciers are cause of concern as these impact water discharge in the rivers and raising water  security  issues in the cold desert and down stream human settlements.

Reports provides insight on water resources of Himachal Pradesh and gives highlights on the State of Glaciers in Himachal Pradesh which is a cause of concern.

Energy and Health 

In consonance with national policy of renewal energy Himachal Pradesh is promoting solar energy in a big way in the state. It is producing passive solar building design and technologies that helps protect environment.

State Government is putting best efforts for development in infrastructure in health facilities and during covid19, facilities has been increased like oxygen plants and ventilators etc.

Industry and Mining

Reports provides background of industrial development in Himachal Pradesh and also shows increasing trends in industrial sector.

The reports highlights on issues of mining of minerals in the State that causes environmental concern.

Tourism and Culture

Tourism industry plays a vital roles in economic development and job creation in the State. It plays an important role in preservation of mountain monuments and heritage property in Himachal Pradesh also assist in survival of various forms of craft and culture.

The negative impact of tourism is solid waste pollution due to biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste littering in the hill area thereby eroding biodiversity resources.

Saxena says the single use plastic is being banned in the country from July 1 this year. It will help check pollution in tourism destinations in the state, he said. 

 "We have made mandatory for hydropower producers to release 15 per cent discharge in the river and have banned polythene in Himachal", he said.

Transport sector talks about new auto fuel policy and national electrical mobility mission plan 2020.

It shows status of road network and accessibility in the mountain region. It also talks about road safety and challenges in transport sector.

Saxena said that  Environment Pollution and Management Govt. of Himachal Pradesh is putting best efforts for management of solid waste,  but still it is a cause of concern and needs concentrated efforts.

Natural Disasters Cause of Concern 

The state is very much prone to natural and climate induced hazards. The institutional arrangements is required to meet any disaster related issues and events.

The previous State of Environment Report was brought in the year 2010 under the Scheme launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on the Pressure, State, Impact and Response Model (PSIR).

The report aims at understanding, describing, analysing and communicating information on the conditions and trends of the environment.

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