
Thursday - March 06, 2025

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Preity Zinta,HPAppleAmbassador

SHIMLA: Amid Horticulture minister Jagat Singh Negi and Theog MLA Kuldeep Rathore's spar over the new Weight based system in Mandis, the state government has decided to implement the Universal Carton for packaging apples starting from the year 2024. This move, which has been warmly welcomed by apple farmers, marks the culmination of a long-fought battle led by the Samyukt Kisan Manch (SKM) and its famer-members in general.

Next step that the State Government needs to take is this:  It needs a comprehensive overhaul of the sluggish APMC and Marketing Board's operations to rectify these issues urgently.

Though Negi claimed the state government took action against the Arhtias who did not sell the apple as per weight, but Rathour had a point in saying that the arhtias gave damn to the weight based trading system as the apple season peaked up. 

Rathaur also raised the issue of liberal import of Iranian apples in Mandis through the porous Afghanistan borders and reduction in import duty in the Vidhan Sabha.

There was in fact chaos in Mandis and arhtiyas were selling as per their will- underhand deals, weight based and as per Gad.  Even HPMC failed to make its much impact  into the Mandis. 

For several years, farmers and orchard owners had been rallying under the SKM banner, demanding the implementation of three crucial laws: the APMC Act, 2005, the HP Legal Metrology Act, 2009, and the HP Passengers and Goods Taxation Act, 1955 within the state.

These laws stipulate the sale of apples and other agricultural products based on weight in the state's fruit and vegetable markets, along with standard packaging materials for apples.

The struggle for these demands had persisted for years, with farmers pressing for their enforcement.

However, this year, thanks to the relentless efforts of the State Horticulture Minister, Shri Jagat Singh Negi, and numerous rounds of meetings between the government and various apple growers' organizations under his chairmanship, a breakthrough was finally achieved.

The decision reached was that, starting this year, apples would be sold in universal grading, based on weight, and packaged in 24 kg cartons in the state's markets.

This marked a significant shift from the previous practice, where telescopic cartons were used.

Despite a lower apple crop this year, many mandis in the state witnessed non-compliance, with apples not being sold by weight or in the mandated 24 kg cartons, largely due to the influence and pressure exerted by middlemen and buyers and pending stocks of telescopic cartons with the farmers and stockists.

The poor functioning of the APMC and Marketing Board, which are responsible for enforcing these laws, had allowed such non-compliance to persist.

This placed significant burdens on the growers, who were forced to yield to the demands of commission agents and buyers, given the absence of alternative selling systems outside of the Mandis.

SKM’s leaders Sanjay Chauhan and Harish Chauhan have urged the government to take immediate and strict action to ensure the full implementation of the APMC Act, 2005, the HP Legal Metrology Act, 2009, and the HP Passengers and Goods Taxation Act, 1955.

“Their aim is to liberate farmers from the exploitation they've long endured within the mandi system”, SKM asserted. For this they need a complete overhaul of APMC and Agri Market Board", the farmers demand.  

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