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SHIMLA: An unholy Nexus of Metro-based Agents preying on vulnerable apple farmers has come to light in Himachal Pradesh.

In a shocking revelation, this exploitative system threatens the very survival of  apple growers, particularly those in vulnerable positions.

The state's Horticulture department has come under scrutiny for failing to protect the interests of these farmers.

Modus Operandi

Operating from major cities like Madras, Bombay, Calcutta, and even Nepal, big agents have been identified as the key players in this nefarious scheme.

They employ intermediaries known as "dalals," often recruited from the Gorkha community and others, who infiltrate remote villages and systematically fleece unsuspecting farmers.

One of the key factors enabling this exploitation is the agents' ability to provide much-needed labor, which is in short supply in the apple-growing regions.

These dalals negotiate with farmers on behalf of major agents in metropolitan areas, offering financial support in exchange for their produce.

Typically, farmers receive an initial payment of 20% to 30%, with the promise of the remaining sum upon the completion of the harvest.

However, the grim reality is that these big agents in the cities consistently default on their payments.

Numerous cases have surfaced where farmers are still owed money from the previous year.

These dalals, often deceitful and intimidating, subject the already vulnerable farmers to immense distress.

Case in Point

Brigadier DS Chajta(Retd) highlighted a poignant example involving his sister, Susheela Bakhirta, a widow residing in Padshal village, Tehsil Kotkhai in Shimla district.

She sold her apple produce last year for a substantial sum of Rs 37 lakhs. The unscrupulous agents paid her a mere Rs 20 lakhs upfront, promising the remaining 17 lakhs after the harvest.

However, they vanished, continuously postponing payment, leaving hapless widow in dire financial straits.

The dalal responsible for this injustice is identified as Gorkha Kirti Dangi, operating from Kharapather and Jubbal Valley, with a connecting agent in Madras named Mohamed Ismail.

Demand for Action:

Brigadier Dr DS Chajta (retd) has called for a thorough investigation into this exploitative nexus, urging the government to take immediate action to protect vulnerable farmers.

A farmer-friendly government, he asserts, should be sensitive to the plight of its agricultural community and must work to dismantle such fraudulent operations.

Brig Dr Chajta further emphasizes the need for the establishment of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) with police assistance to formulate policies that prevent future exploitation of farmers.

In a passionate appeal, he underscores the necessity of bringing these swindlers to justice, as countless lives hang in the balance.

He has sought  intervention of Chief Minister, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu,  and the Horticulture Minister, Jagat Singh Negi,  demanding action from the Police Department's Anti-Corruption Wing to bring the offenders to book.

He said there could be many cases like this, where the farmers are being fleeced and duped by the shady agents. 

This unholy nexus exploiting apple farmers, especially those in vulnerable situations, demands immediate attention and action from authorities to safeguard the future of agriculture in Himachal Pradesh.

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