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Drug convention in Shimla

Government Committed to Combat Drug Menace, Plans to Formulate a Concrete Strategy Soon: Education Minister.

Shimla, 8th September 2024:  The state government is gearing up to devise a comprehensive strategy to safeguard the youth from the growing menace of substance abuse, with a multi-departmental approach involving various institutions at its core.

This announcement was made by Education Minister Rohit Thakur during an address at a convention organized by the State Gyan and Vigyan Samiti Center.

It focused on tackling the pressing issue of drug abuse among the youth in Himachal Pradesh.

Expressing the government's firm commitment to a "Drug-Free Himachal,"  Thakur said, “The weakening of the social fabric has led to a host of issues, including rising drug addiction".

Participants at Convention in Shimla

"The ease of access to technology has contributed to a sense of isolation among the youth, which in turn is leading them towards harmful behaviors. Technology should be used constructively, not destructively.”

Thakur assured that the education department would provide full support in this campaign.

“We will soon hold a departmental meeting to chart out actionable steps. The fight against drugs requires coordinated efforts, and the government is ready to take the lead.”

A Call for a Focused Mission Mode Approach

Dr. Kuldeep Singh Tanwar, Chairman of the State Gyan, Vigyan Samiti Center, suggested that the government should establish a dedicated cell within the Chief Minister's Office to monitor the anti-drug campaign on a daily basis.

“Like the literacy mission, this campaign should be executed in mission mode,” Tanwar urged, adding that a focused, sustained effort is essential to curb the drug problem in the state.

Dr. Tanwar also extended his greetings to the people of the state on the occasion of International Literacy Day.

The Education Minister acknowledged the valuable suggestions made by Dr. Tanwar and assured that the government would consider them seriously as part of its strategy to combat the crisis.

Experts' Take on the Drug Crisis

The convention saw participation from a wide range of departments, including social justice, women and child development, health, mental health, education, police (narcotics), revenue, and others.

Mental health experts from IGMC, Shimla, including representatives from the Department of Psychiatry and Community Health.

They discussed the increasing psychological impact of drug abuse on the youth, warning that the state faces a severe challenge if immediate intervention is not undertaken. 

A representative from the Himachal Pradesh University’s Department of Psychology emphasized the need for a two-pronged approach: prevention through education and awareness campaigns and early intervention by identifying vulnerable youth before they fall prey to addiction.

“Schools and communities need to be more vigilant. The state must invest in mental health support systems to address the root causes leading youth towards addiction,” they added.

Coordinated Action Across Departments

Devanand Verma, President of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur, who was also present at the event, stressed the importance of inter-departmental cooperation.

“Every department, from police to education to mental health, must come together to eradicate this social evil. It’s a fight that needs every hand on deck.”

Representatives from various Panchayati Raj and urban bodies echoed these sentiments, agreeing to mobilize resources at the local level to support the cause.

Various departments presented their views on the issue and shared suggestions during the convention, unanimously agreeing to make every possible effort to make Himachal Pradesh drug-free.

Dr. Om Prakash Bhureta, Director of the State Knowledge and Science Center thanked the chief guests, departmental officials, and public representatives for their participation and commitment to the cause.

The event also served as a reminder that while the government can lead the fight against drugs, community involvement will be crucial to its success. 

The challenge ahead is daunting, but the resolve displayed during the event signals a united front against one of the gravest threats facing Himachal's youth.

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