Shimla: In a resolute effort to ensure road safety and safeguard public infrastructure, the Himachal Pradesh Police, under the leadership of Dr. Atul Verma, IPS, conducted a 15-day special drive against overloading and traffic violations from November 18 to December 2.
The campaign aimed at curbing unsafe practices and fostering responsible driving across the state.
Key Achievements
During the operation, police teams inspected 52,231 vehicles and identified 1,840 violations, collecting ₹4,90,500 in fines. Violations included overloading of passengers and goods, unsafe transport practices, and other illegal activities that compromise road safety.
“Road safety is a shared responsibility. Through strict enforcement and public awareness, we aim to reduce accidents and protect lives,” said Dr. Atul Verma, emphasizing the campaign's objective.
District-Wise Performance
Several districts stood out for their exemplary efforts:
- Shimla GRP: Issued 325 challans for passenger overloading, emerging as the top performer in this category.
- Kangra: Filed 132 challans against overloading in commercial vehicles.
- Una: Detected 31 cases of passengers being transported illegally in goods vehicles.
- Mandi: Made significant strides in curbing unsafe practices.
Breakdown of Violations
The violations highlighted recurring traffic issues:
- Passenger Overloading: 1,490 cases, the most common offense.
- Overloading in Commercial Vehicles: 173 cases.
- Material Protrusion: 92 cases.
- Passengers in Goods Vehicles: 85 cases.
- Driving Without Insurance: 34 cases.
Impact on Road Safety
The campaign has not only enforced traffic laws but also raised public awareness. Police noted a marked reduction in overloading and unsafe practices, making roads safer for travelers and ensuring the longevity of road infrastructure.
Recognizing Efforts
The Police Department lauded the efforts of its teams in Shimla, Kangra, Una, and Mandi for their dedication during the drive. “Their commitment to road safety is commendable. Together, we are making a difference,” a police spokesperson said.
A Call for Responsibility
As the campaign concludes, the Himachal Pradesh Police urges citizens to continue adhering to traffic rules. “Enforcement is just one part; lasting change comes from responsible behavior by all road users,” the spokesperson added.
By focusing on stringent enforcement and community collaboration, the Himachal Pradesh Police reaffirms its commitment to reducing accidents and ensuring safe travel for all.