
Sunday - February 23, 2025

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan
Congress Leaders in Shimla Show Unity

SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh Congress party leaders today showed a united show of strength attacking the BJP during the rally hold in support of new Pradesh Committee President Pratibha Singh and chairman of Campaign Committee and other office bearers of the revamped Congress committee. They took over their new assignments in presence of Congress leaders ahead of the state assembly elections.

 The Congress party staged a unity Abhinandan rally at Chaura Maidan  near  the statue of Dr BR Ambhedkar in which Himachal affairs incharge Rajiv Shunkla, co-incharge  Sanjay Dutt, Gurkirat Singh Kohli and Tajinder Pal Singh  attacked the ruling BJP claiming that the Congress would come back to Power in the state.    

Addressing the party workers and leaders Shukla said it was the dream of  Virbhadra Singh that the Congress came back to power in Himachal. It is high time that each worker realise this, he said.

Shukla said the fight is not for the top chair, but it is for the bringing the party back to power in Himachal Pradesh.  It is the party high command which will decide who will be the CM, he said.

Unity Mantra But Sudhir Sharma Absent at Rally 

Shukla gave a united mantra to party workers saying that there is no need in talking about the unity as Congress is united as those few exceptions are already out. 

Shukla and his team failed to  bring Sudhir Sharma, former UD minister from Kangra to join the show as he remained conspicuous by his absence in the rally. There are speculation  he would join the BJP , sources said. 

Congress Trimurty to Win HP Elections

unfazed by the absence of Sudhir Sharma, Shukla however said the Gandhis have given responsibility to Pratibha Singh, Sukhu and Agnihotri- Trimurti-  to bring the party back to power in Himachal.

The four working presidents -Harsh Mahajan, Rajandra Rana, Vinyay Kumar and Pawan Kajal also took over their new responsibilities to bring back the party to power in Himachal Pradesh.  

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