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  • HimbuMailNewsService

SHIMLA: In preparation for the National Lok Adalat scheduled on December 9, 2023, in various courts across Himachal Pradesh, a total of 74,744 cases have been identified for settlement.

The Lok Adalat  under the patronage of Hon’ble Shri Justice Mamidanna Satya Ratna Sri Ramachandra Rao, Chief Justice of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh are being guided by Hon’ble Shri Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan, Judge of the High Court and Executive Chairman of H.P. State Legal Services Authority.

It aims to facilitate the resolution of legal matters.

Virender Sharma, District & Sessions Judge-cum-member secretary, HPSLSA, announced the provision of an online facility for compounding fee payment through ePay (eCourts Digital Payment), specifically for MV Challans in the Courts of Traffic Magistrates.

To raise awareness, the public is being informed about the National Lok Adalat through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) material.

Local bodies, stakeholders, NGOs, representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Para Legal Volunteers, and Public Transport Services are actively involved in spreading awareness.

Regular meetings with local Bar Associations, Insurance Companies, Banks, and Financial Institutions are being conducted for effective case identification.

The Print and Electronic Media are playing a crucial role in spreading legal awareness, and their extensive coverage of the National Lok Adalat is eagerly sought.

Authorities hope that the information reaches the public widely, allowing litigants to take advantage of the opportunity for resolution of the cases. 

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