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SHIMLA: If one goes by the HP police department. the "HIM Vic App"  will give new teeth to police investigation in various cases in the state.

Chief Minister, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu released  booklets & HimVic App on 16th February.

A spokesperson of the Bureau informed here that a Drafting Committee with three teams was constituted under the Chairperson of ADG/Vigilance Satwant Atwal Trivedi.

A data bank of the mandated tasks was synthesized into SOPs as checklists.

Consequently, three easy to read booklets- investigation of Trap Cases, Investigation of Disproportionate Assets cases, Investigation of other Anti-Corruption offences- were printed to cover the whole gamut of vigilance bureau’s mandate.

The SOPs reflect a collaborative effort of police & prosecution officers and is an attempt to document a format which can serve as a ready reckoner for the Investigative/Enquiry officers. It is an exhaustive compilation of rules, instructions, acts & guidelines on vigilance cases.

The Checklists has been converted into an interactive, Real time Sync-web App to mobile App and vice-versa which is a first of its kind in the country.

It allows the supervisory officers to supervise the progress of investigation/enquiry on real time basis thus analyzing the progress and guiding the IO/EO as and when required.

Being a mobile App the IO/EO can check his progress on field visits by referring to it and check whether the mandated tasks have been completed or not.       

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