
Sunday - February 23, 2025

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan

SHIMLA:  In an Election year, Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) headed by Er D K Sharma continued all concessions to all categories of consumers to fuel state economy for 2022-23. The defense establishments will pay at domestic rates, while Gau Sadans and Gau sanctuaries will pay their bills at agricultural rates to give impetus Gau Vansh arresting stray cattle problem in Himachal Pradesh. 

The lifeline and agriculture consumers as exempted by the state government will pay no bill in 2022-23.  
In its tariff order issued for 2022-23,  HPERC  states that there is no increase in tariff for the new year starting from April 1. The domestic and agriculture consumers, where the GoHP has announced subsidized rates of 30 paisa per unit for agriculture consumers, free electricity for domestic consumers having monthly consumption up to 60 units, will pay no bill, electricity regulator stated.

Commission has determined the true-up of financial years 2018-19.  2019-20 and 2020-21 along with truing up of controllable parameters of 3rd control period ( 2014-15 to 2018-19) and aggregate revenue requirement (ARR) of HP State Electricity Board ltd (HPSEBL) along with the tariff or charges applicable for 2022-23.

HP Power Board Needs Rs 5730.02 Crore 

The Commission has estimated the annual revenue requirement (ARR) of Rs. 5730.02 Crore of HPSEBL for 2022-23.  The state Government has made a provision of Rs. 500 crore towards the subsidy for electricity consumption by domestic and agriculture consumers in the state. The state has also committed to provide additional subsidy to neutralize the effect of increase in tariff i.e. 20 paisa per unit across all categories. Thus total electricity subsidy provided by the state government would be more than Rs. 750 Cr.

Defence Forces to Pay at Domestic Rates

Power regulator has given much-sought after relief to the Defence sector. Considering the services being rendered by the Defence Forces in difficult conditions in the state, they shall be charged at domestic rates against bulk supply rates being charged earlier. However Commercial establishment within the Defence Cantonment area shall be charged at Commercial rates.

Relief to Gau Sadans 

Regulator states that all "Gau Sadans and Cow Sanctuaries" registered with Gau Sewa Ayog shall be charged at agriculture rates of 30 paisa per unit  against domestic tariff being charges earlier.

Considering the importance of industrial sector for growth of the state, the tariff of the industrial sector has not been increased for the third consecutive year.

Electric Vehicles Charging Stations

Commission has approved a separate tariff category for Electric Vehicle(EV) charging station in the tariff schedule. The tariff for supply of electricity to EV charging stations shall be on single part tariff basis and has been kept below average cost of supply.

In implementation of smart prepaid meters across various Consumer categories, the Commission has approved a 3 %  rebate on energy charges for consumers availing prepaid metering facility.

The tariff of electricity has not been increased for the last three years.  Rather commission continued its concessions in form of reduced tariff to different categories of the consumers in the state in order to fuel economic growth across all sectors in Himachal Pradesh, says the commission.

(Kuldeep Chauhan is Editor, Himbu Mail) 

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