
Wednesday - March 05, 2025

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Parala Mandi in Himachal

SHIMLA:Horticulture Minister Jagat Negi has issued a stern warning to those who are flouting trading guidelines at Parala Mandi.

 The Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) has taken action by sending show cause notices to two traders of Parala and Rohru Mandis. These traders were found to be engaged in the sale and purchase of apple and pear fruit not following Apmc guidelines.

But the government release didn't name them and since how long they were doing it and whether they have paid dues to the farmers or not. 

One of the traders was conducting business in Market Yard, Parala without the necessary license from the Agriculture Department. The other trader was observed not adhering to the government's guidelines for the accurate sale and purchase of fruits based on their weight at Market Yard, Rohru.

Jagat Singh Negi emphasized that if  traders are found guilty of their violations in Mandis in Himachal, their registration certificates will be suspended under the provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulations) Act, 2005.

This demonstrates the seriousness with which the government is taking these violations in the agricultural and horticultural sectors.

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