
Sunday - February 23, 2025

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan


Prime Minister Narender Modi today batted for “ One Nation, One Legislative Platform”, at the centenary year conference of all India presiding officers being held in Shimla. He urged them to perform their roles in a constructive  manner to fast track development  taking democracy to new heights  for the next 25 years  for celebration of  historic centenary year of Indian democracy.   

Addressing the centenary year  of the 82nd  conference of the All India presiding officers of parliament and state assemblies virtually from Delhi, Prime Minister said. “ One Nation, One Legislative Platform”, will provide a single platform for all states  for joining their hands, their resources by using digital technology sharing their experiences of the developmental journey of the Vidhan sabhas with each other. They will gain new  things from this and will act as a development booster  in each state, he said. 

Like One Nation, One Ration Card and One Nation, One Mobility Card  this new platform will boost mantra of “unity in diversities”,  adding a new dimension to  vibrant democracy of India, Modi said.

He  said the presiding officers cutting across partyline can  give this new platform a push by  bringing  the states on a single platform thereby creating synergies for taking democracy to newer heights.

 Modi said it is the mantra of “Duty, Duty and Duty”  towards constitution towards parliament and towards nation that members  and politicians must embrace in the service of  nation in the next 25 years.

Modi also mooted  a Committee of Parliament on Qualitative Debate  consisting of members who are willing to  debate  issues  with seriousness rising above politics by obeying all parliamentarian values.  

Prime Minister also mulled the idea for bringing in  bill of social importance like members have been doing in private members bill.  People will become stakeholders knowing that something for them is also being done in the assemblies and parliament that will give the law -making process a widespread support, he said.  

To make new ideas see the light of day, Modi cited example of how all states joined hands in India’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic and in nationwide vaccination campaign that gave great results.

He said pubic would continue to vote in new  members and new younger faces.  The women members and other new ones from states should get priority and  opportunities in the house, he said.

Prime Minister said the presiding officers can think of giving such members training in the workings of parliament and Vidhan sabhas so that they can also  play a constructive role in law –making.  

Modi congratulated the presiding officers  and  members  of Himachal Vidhan sabha and representatives of over 23 states across the country participating in the  conference in Shimla.

Om Birla, Lok sabha Speaker, the chairperson of the conference and the host HP Vidhan Sabha Speaker Vipin Parmar and Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur  and leader of the opposition  in vidhan sabha Mukesh Agnihotri and former Speakers and deputy Speakers among other presiding officers  from 24 states  are attending the conference.  

(Kuldeep Chauhan is Editor and administrator HimbuMail, voice of Himalayan people)


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