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Students at IIT Mandi on Mathematics Day

MANDI:  The experts emphasize on the concept to Anant or Infinite for the students of mathematics on National Mathematics Day.  

To mark the birth anniversary of the eminent mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi through its Center for Continuing Education celebrated the National Mathematics Day 2022 at the campus in collaboration with Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE).

Prof. Laxmidhar Behera, Director, IIT Mandi, said, “Georg Cantor and David Hilbert, the two mathematicians from west have done a lot of research on infinity even before infinity was not considered a mathematical object.

But in India Mathematics was way more advanced in the Vedic times in Vedanta Mathematics Infinity is called Anant and Achintya, he added.

Further Prof. Behera added, "Knowledge is beyond the boundaries of race, caste, creed, gender, or nationality and is universal."

More than three hundred school students from 6th to 12th Class and teachers participated in the celebration. 

Mr. Satpal Dhiman, Additional Secretary, Environment Science and Technology, and Joint Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE, graced the event as the Chief Guest.

The main idea of such programs is to instil scientific temperament among students and teachers and to create awareness among them to communicate these subjects in an easy and interesting manner to the students.

Addressing the students Chief Guest Mr. Satpal Dhiman, Additional Secretary, Environment Science and Technology, and Joint Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE, said, “Posters prepared by the School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences are very informative and needs to be circulated to all the schools in the state.

Many of them depicts the journey and history of mathematics in India. Like the great Indian Mathematician Srinivas Ramanujam, the students should also identify their passion, work hard and nothing shall remain unachievable to them.”

HIMCOSTE also conducts Himachal Pradesh Children's Science Congress every year  in which about  25000 students from 5000 different schools from all over the state participate.

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