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  • Dr.Rajan K Kotru, an IMI Expert
Rajan Kotru measures deodar girth in Rohru’s forest
Dr. Kotru bowing to Protect Devdaru in Rohru forest

SHIMLA: We’ve all heard stories about the famous Sequoia "General Sherman," the colossal tree that stands proud in California's Kings Canyon National Park.

It’s revered, protected, and admired by visitors from around the globe. But how often do we speak with the same respect and admiration for our own mighty Cedrus Deodara, also known as the Himalayan Cedar or Devdaru?

It's time to shift our focus to the majestic "Himalayan Maharaja" that graces the landscape of the Western Himalayas.

In the serene highlands of Shimla District, in Rohru’s Chirgaon block, stand some of these magnificent trees, their presence as old as 400-450 years.

The base of some Deodar trees measures over 5 meters, and at breast height, their girth stretches to over 2 meters.

These natural giants have weathered centuries of climatic shifts, wildlife attacks, and the threat of human interference, but they continue to stand tall, offering invaluable services to our ecosystem.

Giant Deodars

These trees are not just symbols of beauty. They play a critical role in carbon storage, soil conservation, water recharge, and oxygen production. Imagine the Giga-tonnes of carbon captured over centuries by these resilient giants!

Yet, despite their importance, these natural treasures often go unnoticed, underappreciated, and are at risk of being lost.

Time for Action: Protect the "Himalayan Maharaja"

It’s high time we recognized and respected the legacy of these Himalayan Cedars. We must implement policies that ensure their survival and protection. Here's what we can do:

1. Identify and Protect: Each of these ancient trees should be located and mapped using GPS technology.

Around their towering presence, we must create a protective radius, free from interference, allowing natural regeneration.

Majestic Deodars

2. Preserve the Gene Pool: Climate-resilient seedlings from these giants should be grown and planted, preserving the genetic strength of these remarkable trees.

3. Signage and Education: Informative signs should be placed near these trees, displaying key details such as their height, diameter, carbon storage, and their role in biodiversity conservation.

These trees should also be showcased on state forest department websites.

4. Eco-tourism and Awareness: These natural wonders can become focal points for eco-tourism. Students, youth, and the public should be encouraged to visit and learn about the importance of these trees.

Communities should be incentivized to actively protect them, making it a collective effort.

5. Integrating into State Climate Action Plans: It's essential that the State Climate Action Plans of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand recognize and protect these towering symbols of nature.

Their ecological contributions must be factored into broader conservation efforts.

While these efforts may seem small compared to the vastness of the task ahead, they represent a significant step toward preserving the Himalayan Maharajas for generations to come.

Let us not wait any longer to honor the kindness of Himalayan nature and ensure that these giants continue to stand tall in our beautiful mountains.

Let’s give a big high five to the "Himalayan Maharaja" and start the movement to preserve these majestic symbols of our natural heritage!

(Dr Rajan K Kotru is an expert at Integrated Mountain Initiative, who lives in Palampur)

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