
Sunday - February 23, 2025

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan

Arif Mohammad Khan from Kashmir valley will lead Indian contingent representing  hopes of 1.3 billion people of India in the controversial Beijing Winter Olympics. But “Indian envoy will not participate in the opening and closing ceremony due to fresh revelation on Galwan clash that has exposed China’s lies and double talk”, revealed reports on social media.  

China has already suffered a major setback as western world led by the USA has announced the boycott of Beijing Olympics on the ground of human rights violations. India has also learnt to have flexed its muscles against China declaring the “boycott of  opening and closing ceremony of 17 days long Winter Games Tamasha on the ground that “China has lied on Galwan clash and made one of its injured soldier as a torchbearer of the games that is against spirit of Olympics”.

On the other hand, Chinese official media has been highlighting Indian athlete Khan  prominently featuring him as “a lone skier representing 1.3 billion people”.

But unfazed by such  “Chinese  media hype”,  Khan seeks to change the winter sports in India, which is home to Himalaya.  Arif Khan looks swift and confident on the Ski slopes of the Chinese ski report while bracing up for the big event of his life to which no Indian winter games Olympian could make it so far.

Khan in a video said he wanted to change the winter games scene in India, where the world’s biggest reservoir of snow- Himalaya- is nestled.  “I want to promote winter games in India. I learnt skiing from my father in my childhood in 1994, who himself also is a skier and runs his ski shop in Kashmir town”, Khan asserts.  

But fresh row along with diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics by the western world has given a big blow to China. Chinese President  Xi Jinping as per his message on Chinese media,  has targeted “Beijing Winter games as  a big show to ramp up its development agenda and opening up when  the Pandemic retreats”.

The winter Olympics is featuring 15 different sporting events,  ranging from  speed skating and ski jumping to Luge and freestyle skiing, from Bobsleigh and Biathlon to alpine skiing and Nordic race.     

But Galwan row has erupted into a major diplomatic war, with netizens, strategists flaying China for its “double talk and lies on Galwan valley violent clash that took place in June, 2020”.

They are citing the Australian web newspaper report published today in which it was revealed that “China has lied in Galwan clash between Indian and PLA soldiers and the casualties on Chinese side were  10 times more than what China had officially admitted”.     

According to the agencies report “Indian envoy in China would boycott the opening and closing ceremony of Beijing winter Olympics on the ground that China has made Galwan’s injured solider as its torchbearer that aimed at scoring some diplomatic brownie points against India by politicising winter games”.   

India’s winter games sportspersons also assert that China has chosen to politicise Olympics. China has made an attempt to provoke India by making Galvan soldier as the torchbearer who had got injured in Galvan clash”.

The strategic affairs experts said on social media that “intelligence estimate was that at least 38 PLA  soldiers died  in Galwan clash, which is nearly 10 times more than what China had claimed”.

Indian strategic affairs expert Brahma Chellaney said that while the Indian army leadership sent New Year’s sweets to PLA forces add it against India. China finds a hero making him an Olympics torchbearer, a PLA officer who led ambush attack on an unarmed Indian patrol in the Galvin valley in June 2020”.

Major General GD Bakshi tweeted as saying that Australian paper reports that 38 Chinese soldiers were swept away in the Galvan river during that clash. “Orwellian state” habitually lies to its people but truth has a way of catching up". 

Major General Ajay Kumar (Retd) said that Australian journalist Anthony Klein has confirmed that 38 Chinese soldiers were killed in a gun clash in June 2020. Now China as made injured soldier is a torch brand of Winter Olympics 22 is a regrettable and shameful conduct.

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