SHIMLA : State Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Monday demands that the sitting judge under the supervision of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh should Probe the Police Recruitment Test Paper Leakage scam to give justice to the thousands of candidates who had appeared in the examination.
"This is also necessary because this is an issue related to the Police Department whose responsibility is to maintain law and order in the state", said Sanjay Chauhan, former Shimla Mayor and CPM state secretariat member.
Police Department itself is looked after by the Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister. "Therefore, CPIM is of the view that this very fact raises a big question mark on fair investigation in the case", he charged, in statement issued here in Shimla on Monday.
"If the incident of police recruitment paper leak is seen deeply, then the matter of paper leak was exposed even before the paper was done by the applicants", Chauhan said.

The police got information about it, but they took it lightly, CPM claimed. If the police and intelligence department of the government had acted on this in time, it could have been nipped in the bud, he claimed.
"The matter had come to notice 20 days before the date of the paper and 6 people were also called for questioning on 6th March, 2022 in Solan", CPIM stated. But after that no concrete action was taken, he charged.
About 74000 examinees took part in this recruitment exam on March 27, 2022. "After this, in the first week of April also, the government was informed about this issue, but no action was taken by the government on this also", Chauhan claimed.
Despite this, the process of recruitment was carried out, CPIM said. "But due to the activism of the police officer in Kangra, the discrepancy in this recruitment has been exposed",.
Now after the matter came to light in the media, the government has canceled this recruitment. "Had the government acted in time, this mess could have been prevented and thousands of examinees could have been saved from harassment", Chauhan said.
As the layers of this police recruitment paper leak are getting exposed, the poor action of the government and the police department has been exposed, Chauhan charged.
BJP Rule Witnessed Four Major Paper Leakages
CPIM charged the recruitment process has been done during the four-and-a-half years of the BJP government has come under cloud. "Whether it is JBT, Patwari, JOA, police or other recruitment, all of them have been questioned", Chauhan charged.
"It exposes the mismanagement of the government", he alleged. "Today lakhs of youth are unemployed in the state and the government has completely failed to provide employment fairly and BJP is recruiting their own faces", CPIM alleged.
"The recruitment process is under cloud. This poor functioning of the government is causing frustration among lakhs of youth of the state today. Today, due to these policies of the government, unemployment has hit high level", Chauhan claimed.