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  • HimbuMailNewsService

SHIMLA: The efforts of Himachal Pradesh Police have borne fruit as the state has witnessed a drop of  8 per cent in road fatalities in the state from January 1, 2023, to July 14 this year.

IG Railways Traffic Police of Himachal Pradesh Police attribute this positive change to their relentless endeavors in sensitizing people to road safety and vehicle accidents happening in the state.

The statistics of road accidents in Himachal Pradesh had been a cause for concern, with accidents posing the biggest threat to human life in the region.

To combat this alarming trend, the authorities took proactive measures.

One of the key initiatives involved providing comprehensive training to nearly 150 traffic policemen and investigating officers in Shimla and Dharamshala, said DIG Gurdev Sharma.

The two-day training focused on equipping them with scientific and modern methods of handling road accidents, traffic regulation, and investigation techniques, with the ultimate aim of reducing daily vehicle accidents.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of the transport department, National Highways Authority of India, and other government and non-government agencies, there has been a significant reduction of 8% in road accidents, 14% in road accident-related deaths, and 18% in injuries during the period from January 1 to July 14 compared to the same period last year.

Himachal Pradesh Director General of Police, Sanjay Kundu, emphasized that the police is addressing the road traffic accidents though continuous training  being provided to traffic police .

The authorities have also outlined plans for collaborative efforts with various departments to ensure the implementation of road safety schemes on the ground and to establish accountability.

The positive results in 2023 are a testament to the increasing awareness among drivers in Himachal Pradesh.

The identification and remediation of black spots on national highways and district roads have played a pivotal role in curbing accidents.

The public's cooperation has been vital in this endeavor, and the Himachal Pradesh Police express hope for continued positive outcomes in the future.

Himachal Pradesh Police are resolute in their mission to save lives and make the roads safer for everyone, Kundu.

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