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Friday - October 18, 2024

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  • Kuldeep Chauhan, Editor-in-Chief,HimbuMail

Shimla— The  tourism industry in Himachal Pradesh faces a severe crisis as the capital city of Shimla buckles under the strain of overwhelming tourist numbers or  lean Months at other time.

 The Shimla Hotels and Tourism Stakeholders Association  expressed  their concerns and frustrations over the deteriorating situation.

*Collapsed Tourism Industry:* The industry, already on shaky ground for years, now finds itself in complete collapse.

The association calls for urgent, proactive measures to revive tourism in the region.

*Government Initiatives Lauded:* While appreciating recent government initiatives, such as keeping markets open till midnight and traffic regulation, the association remains critical of the current state of the industry.

They acknowledge the Chief Minister's efforts but emphasize the pressing need for a more substantial and sustained recovery plan.

*Winter Carnival as a Glimmer of Hope:* The inaugural Winter Carnival, a positive step towards fostering a tourism-friendly atmosphere, is highlighted.

The association expresses gratitude to local leaders for their involvement in making the carnival a success.

*Concerns Over Unregistered Accommodations:* The proliferation of unregistered tourist accommodations around Shimla is negatively impacting hotel occupancy rates.

The association commends the government's move to amend the Tourism Trade Act, requiring registration for existing B&Bs and home stays.

*Tackling Touts and Misleading Practices:* The association raises concerns about the rampant network of touts misleading and exploiting tourists, damaging the state's image.

They urge the government to take appropriate action to protect tourists.

*Shortened Tourist Stays:* The dwindling length of tourists' stays in Shimla, often limited to one or two days, is deemed alarming.

The association calls for an intensive publicity drive to promote lesser-known tourist destinations and increase overall tourist engagement.

*Educational Drive for Service Providers:* To enhance the tourist experience, the association proposes an educational drive targeting guides, taxi drivers, and travel agents to ensure accurate information about local attractions and encourage longer stays in Shimla.

It is struggling to cope with the unintended consequences of its own popularity.

Hoteliers, instead of celebrating peak season, now find themselves sulking amidst the chaos.

The hill stations are  grappling with an unprecedented surge in visitors, pushing its carrying capacity to the brink in peak season. 

The streches of Shimla-Solan and Shimla-Dhalli-Kufri highway resemble parking lots as frustrated locals endure hours of traffic congestion, making daily life a misery.

As Christmas and New Year crowds flood the city every year that had made he city more expensive for locals. 

Water scarcity adds to the predicament, intensifying the struggle for locals who are now faced with a storm of inconveniences.

In the face of this tourism onslaught, Shimla's charm is overshadowed by the harsh reality of strained resources and frustrated inhabitants.

The question looms: Can the town sustain this level of tourism without jeopardizing the well-being of its residents?

The appeal is clear: urgent and strategic interventions are needed to salvage the tourism industry and restore the charm of Shimla.

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