
Monday - March 10, 2025

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  • KuldeepChauhan,Editor-in-Chief www.himbumail.com
Tunnels of destruction of the mountains

SHIMLA: Today is International Mountain Day, a moment to honoUr the towering giants that provide life, beauty, and balance to our planet.

 But in the Himalayan region, it seems no one cares—not the state governments, not the political parties, and not even the NGOs that have mushroomed across these mountains, feeding off funds but offering little in return.

The silence is deafening, a grim reflection of the neglect these majestic, living, breathing giants endure. 

Even Sonam Wangchuk, a Ladakhi activist and innovator who cries aloud about saving Ladakh did not spare a word or two  to honour the mountains, leave along with the governments in the mountain states.  

The theme for this year, "Mountain Solutions for a Sustainable Future – Innovation, Adaptation, and Youth", feels hollow in the face of the destruction that plagues the Himalayas.

Rape of Mountains

Tunnels gouge their fragile faces, hydropower projects tear apart their rivers, and unregulated tourism floods their pristine valleys with trash and chaos.

Forests burn unabated, streams dry up, and glaciers melt, while governments are too busy politicking to take notice.

In fact, many state authorities don’t even acknowledge that today is a day to honor mountains—a glaring indictment of their apathy​​​​​​.

The devastation is everywhere. Mining projects leave behind gaping wounds in the earth, while landslides triggered by reckless construction displace communities.

Millions of tourists and trekkers descend on these sacred landscapes, leaving behind plastic waste and trampling biodiversity underfoot.

The rivers that once nourished civilizations now flow choked and polluted. And yet, the very NGOs that claim to champion these causes remain mute, unable—or unwilling—to even mark the significance of this day​​​​.

This isn’t just negligence—it’s a full-blown mania of destruction that has gripped governments and industries alike.

Development is pursued with no regard for sustainability, and the mountains pay the price. 

The same mountains that give us life and water, that regulate our climate, and that inspire our spirituality, are being sacrificed at the altar of greed and ignorance. 

Organizations like ICIMOD and FAO continue to advocate for sustainable solutions, emphasizing youth leadership and community-based practices.

Tourist Crowds maul mountains

But their efforts mean little without the political will to enforce meaningful policies.

Governments must move beyond lip service to action: regulating tourism, halting destructive projects, and empowering local communities with the tools to protect their heritage​​​. 

The Himalayas are bleeding, not just from physical wounds but from the apathy that surrounds them.

If we don't act now, these mountains—our protectors and providers—may one day stand as silent tombstones to our greed.

Today is more than a day for awareness; it is a call to arms to save these majestic giants before it’s too late.

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The mainstream media houses dominated by the city- centric editors have been indifferent to the problems and issues faced by the Himalayan people down the centuries. HimbuMail is born to fill this gap and seeks to become their real voice.


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