
Saturday - October 05, 2024

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  • KuldeepChauhan,Editor-in-Chief,www.himbumail.com
Apple production in Himachal downturn

SHIMLA: As the apple season in Himachal Pradesh inches towards its conclusion, harvesting in the high-altitude regions of Shimla, Kinnaur, and parts of Lahaul-Spiti has reached its peak.

 However, the state's apple industry has once again seen a slight dip in production for the fifth consecutive year begining  2019-20.

As of October 5, 2024, apple production has reached 3.70 lakh metric tonnes, a slight drop from last year's 3.90 lakh metric tonnes recorded on the same date.

Director of Horticulture, Vinay Singh, remains optimistic about the season. "As the current harvest continues, we expect the apple production to level with last year's figures," he stated, reassuring growers that the final numbers could close the gap despite the early dip.

Apple Valley Jubbal

However, Singh acknowledged the challenges the sector has faced over the last few years, particularly the erratic climatic conditions.

"The downturn in production could be attributed to various factors, including less-than-adequate rainfall and snowfall from December 2023 to May 2024.

The orchards have not received the necessary chilling hours, and temperature variations have affected the growth cycle," he explained. 

He added that improper orchard management due to imbalanced use of fertilizers and pesticides has also played a role.

"Orchard management practices need to adapt to these changing environmental conditions, and ensuring a proper balance of fertilizers and pesticides is critical to maintaining production levels," Singh remarked.

Highquality Apples of Shantha-Chopal, Shimla,HP

Despite these hurdles, officials in the horticulture department are hopeful that the state’s apple production will still match last year’s output by the time the season closes, especially as late-harvest varieties from the high-altitude regions are yet to be fully counted.

The Broader Picture:  Downturn

The apple industry in Himachal Pradesh, often referred to as the "apple bowl of India," has been on a downward graph in recent years.

The state, which produces about 45% of India’s apples, has been grappling with changing weather patterns, leading to reduced yields.

For three consecutive years now, the production has declined from the heights of previous seasons, with this year seeing yet another slight drop.

Experts believe that the erratic climate patterns, characterized by lesser snowfall and irregular rainfall, have upset the delicate balance required for the apple-growing cycle.

In particular, the lack of chilling hours—essential for the proper dormancy of apple trees during winter—has been a persistent issue.

Auction or A coverup in Apple Pinjore Mandi

Moreover, horticulturists are sounding the alarm over the growing reliance on chemical inputs, which, when used improperly, can cause long-term damage to soil health and overall orchard productivity.

This year's production drop serves as a reminder of the complex challenges the industry is facing, with climate change at its core.

 Looking Forward: Hopes for Recovery

Despite the challenges, hopes for recovery remain strong.

"We are still optimistic that the final production will be close to last year's figures once the harvest from high-altitude regions is fully accounted for," an official from the horticulture department commented.

Despite downturn in production, apple farmers in the high altitudes are not getting the best prices for their their high quality fruit as compared the low quality of the lower elevation.

Many are pinning their hopes on the resilient varieties grown in Kinnaur and parts of Lahaul-Spiti, known for their late-season harvests, but it produces small quantity as Shimla district is main producer of apples.

Growers, too, are adjusting to the new normal by exploring innovative techniques like high-density plantations and better orchard management practices.

These measures, coupled with government initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and market linkages, are expected to give a much-needed boost to the industry.

The apple season is not just crucial for farmers but also for the state's economy, as apple cultivation is the primary source of income for over 1.5 lakh families in Himachal Pradesh.

With the season nearing its end, all eyes are on the final tally, as the industry seeks to weather yet another year of challenges. 

As more data trickles in, it will provide a clearer picture of the state of the apple industry in Himachal Pradesh and what lies ahead for the future of this essential crop.

The apple production in Himachal Pradesh, as of October 5, 2024, has reached 3.70 lakh metric tonnes, a slight decrease from last year's 3.90 lakh metric tonnes.

Despite the decline, officials, including Director Horticulture Vinay Singh, remain optimistic about closing the gap by the end of the season.

Over the past five years, the apple production trends reflect fluctuating volumes.

In 2019-20, the state recorded an apple output of 7.15 lakh metric tonnes, which dipped over the next two years due to erratic weather patterns.

By 2023, production had dropped further to 4.90 lakh metric tonnes.

The current year's 3.70 lakh metric tonnes (as of October) continues this pattern, though the hope remains to match last year's final figure by the season's end. 

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