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HPDTC hotel Chansal rohru

HPTDC MD Dr. Rajiv Kumar Visits Low-Occupancy Hotels, Plans Revenue Boost

Shimla;  Dr. Rajiv Kumar, the Managing Director of HPTDC, visited Hotel Chansal in Rohru and another hotel in Kharapathar.

Both hotels are struggling with low occupancy because the state government hasn't effectively promoted the Kharapathar-Deorighat-Kuppar Giri Ganga-Jubbal,  Hatkoti-Rohru Chansal-Chopal Sarahan-Choordhsar area as a tourist circuit in the Shimla apple belt.

This circuit if marketed and promoted in right perspective can bring in tourism boom in the apple belt for the locals, who face lean crops  to supplement their income. 

Dr. Kumar noticed a staff shortage at Hotel Chansal, which he assured would be addressed soon.

He also looked into the possibility of building a banquet hall to boost the hotel's revenue.

Despite it being a holiday, Dr. Kumar made the visit to understand the system better.

On his way back to Shimla, he also stopped by the HPTDC hotel Giri Ganga Kharapathar. This hotel also needs repairs. 

The MD is considering new plans to increase revenue for these hotels in the near future.

But larger call is to be taken by the state government tourism department to boost it as a destination.

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