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HP Tourism Meet in Chandigarh
HP Tourism Meet in Chandigarh

Tourism Meet in Chandigarh. Bali Highlights PPP Projects to Boost Tourism in Himachal Pradesh...

Shimla — R.S. Bali, Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC), announced plans to develop Himachal Pradesh's tourism sector through public-private partnerships (PPP).

Speaking at a business opportunities conference in Chandigarh, Bali emphasized the state's potential as a peaceful and safe destination ripe for investment.

Bali highlighted that the government aims to collaborate with private entrepreneurs to create sustainable tourism infrastructure.

These efforts include managing and operating properties developed under a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) project, which will offer world-class facilities to tourists.

During the conference on business opportunities in Himachal Pradesh, Principal Secretary, Tourism Devesh Kumar** stated, “We are committed to leveraging PPP models to enhance tourism infrastructure, ensuring that Himachal Pradesh remains a top destination for travelers.*”

Director, Tourism and Civil Aviation Mansi Sahay Thakur added, “*Our goal is to create a sustainable tourism ecosystem that not only attracts tourists but also benefits the local economy and community.*”

The conference, organized by the Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation, sought input from private sector developers on project design and partnership structures.

Leading hotel chains like Taj, ITC, Mahindra, and Oberoi, as well as consulting firms like Deloitte and PwC, attended and showed strong interest in the proposed PPP projects.

Bali mentioned that similar conferences would be held nationwide to attract further private sector investment in Himachal's tourism. The event also saw participation from ADB officials from Manila and New Delhi.

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