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BJP Leaders Sudhir Sharma and Dr Janak Raj
Sudhir Sharma Dr Janak Raj

Himachal BJP leaders Allege Congress Government is "Selling Out" State Assets and Neglecting Local Employment..

Shimla:  BJP leaders have accused the Himachal Pradesh Congress government of prioritizing the sale of state assets over creating local job opportunities. 

Sudhir Sharmacriticized the government for marketing Himachal properties both abroad and in major Indian cities.

“This government is preparing to hand over state assets at throwaway prices to its favorites, while ignoring unemployed locals,” he said.

Sharma alleged that the government plans to use loans from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to build large hotels, despite no formal loan agreement, suggesting a potential scam.

Dr. Janak Raj  lambasted the administration as the “lockdown government,” accusing it of shutting down essential services.

“School uniform schemes have been closed, water supplies disrupted, and doctors' Non-Practicing Allowance suspended,” he said.

Raj claimed that Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has consistently made empty promises and failed to deliver on commitments to the people of Himachal.

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