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Devtas of Bhunda Mahayagya of Spail Valley 2025 Jan 2

DALGAON: The village  deep inside of Spail Valley, Rohru Sub-Division, has come alive with the revival of the Bhunda Mahayagya, celebrated after a gap of 40 years.

Thousands of devotees have converged on the village, carrying the palquis (palanquins) of Maheshwar, Maurish,  and  Baundra and Parshuram devatas to honor Devta Bakralu, the host of this grand  cultural and religious  festival.

The sacred journey began at dawn, with devotees navigating traditional forest routes, carrying their devatas amid chants, slogans, and war cries reverberating through the valley.

Armed with traditional astra-shastra (weapons), the devotees, charged with religious fervor, are making their way to Dalgaon, where Devta Bakralu has emerged from his sanctum sanctorum to welcome his divine guests for the Sanghera ritual.

The Sanghera marks the beginning of the four-day-long Bhunda Mahayagya. This ritual symbolizes a gathering of deities, believed to be residing in the region, for a divine assembly. As the visiting devatas enter Devta Bakralu's premises, they are greeted with ceremonial salutes and traditional sacrifices as a mark of respect.

The processions, rich in cultural and spiritual fervor, are entering the premises one by one, accompanied by divine hymns and war cries. Thousands of devotees are already assembled, offering prayers and tributes to Devta Bakralu.

The festivities will include rituals, offerings, and a grand feast of prasad shared among devotees. The atmosphere is charged with divine energy as this ancient tradition brings together the people of Spail Valley in a rare moment of cultural and spiritual unity.

The Bhunda Mahayagya, a ritual deeply rooted in the local ethos, not only pays homage to the deities but also showcases the vibrant cultural heritage of the region, making it a spiritual event to remember.

First to arrive at Dalgaon is Devta Maurish Rishi of Rantari. Accompanied by thousands of devotees and devlus draped in his devic jewelry and decor Maurish procession entered the premises with thunder of dynamite. 

Devotees are aremed with swords  guns, daggers and sticks.

Devta Baundra of Bachoonch   stole the show with its thousands of devotees converging on village. 

The first Devta entering the Premises of Bakralu was Maheshwar, considered with its white hairs as the eldest Devta. 

The scene at the welcome gate was mesmerizing sight. The thousands have assembled at the gate to receive the Devtas.

Baundra ReachesDalgaon

Sanghera is divine meeting of all the Devtas. They have zeroed in on two different directions. From the east it was Maurish and Parshuram Ram.

From west came Rath of Devta Baundra and Maheshwar. 

As soon as they reached, there followed  a confluence of thousands of devotees of Devtas. The palquis of Devta bow sides at each other in divine embrace with the roars of fireworks and gun salutes ranting the skies. 

The host Bakralu devotees welcomed them at the gate leading the dancing processions  to Premises for night stay .BaundraDevtaReachesDalgaon

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