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Mj Gen Atul leads March In Shimla

Shimla March Spotlights Forests Fire and Environmental Concerns..

Shimla, June 30: The Atulniya Shiv Shagun Welfare Foundation(ASSWF) held a march today to spotlight the environmental issues in the capital city here.

The march , aimed at raising awareness, drew attention to the threats of deforestation, pollution, and the loss of green spaces in the city and other places in the state.

Led by Major General Atul Kaushik SM, VSM (Retd), the march started from City Point near the DC office and ended at Chaura Maidan.

Former deputy mayor Shimla Tikender Singh Panwar also participated in the march.

The activists brandish banners and placards sounding the warning to the pubic on the increasing menace of forest fires that destroy biodiversity and green cover every dry months in Himachal Pradesh. 

Participants focused on the increasing problem of forest fires in Himachal Pradesh, which are becoming more severe each year.

"Forest fires are a big worry here, wrecking wildlife and forests, and adding to air pollution and greenhouse gases.

Most of these fires are caused by people," said Major General Kaushik. He stressed the need for tough environmental rules and involvement of the public at large to tackle these issues.

The march emphasized the foundation's drive to get the community involved in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices.

Director Ayush Rajput echoed the foundation's call for a more sustainable future for Shimla and Himachal. 

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