SHIMLA: Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) Managing Director Rohan Chand Thakur has ordered an inquiry into the suicide of Sanjay Kumar, a driver from the Dharampur unit, following the circulation of a viral video in which the deceased driver accused the unit's management of harassment.
Thakur has directed the Divisional Manager, HRTC Mandi, to conduct a detailed investigation and submit a report within 15 days.
HRTC drivers and conductors are considered the backbone of both the corporation and public transport in the challenging terrain of Himachal Pradesh.
The incident has raised serious concerns about the treatment of ground-level HRTC drivers. If 'top-heavy management' is found guilty of misconduct or highhanded behavior, the HRTC and the state government must take stringent action, including filing FIRs and ensuring that erring officials are brought to justice.
Expressing condolences, the HRTC management stated, “The organization stands with the family during this tragic time. An impartial inquiry has been initiated, and we urge everyone to wait for the findings before forming opinions.”
This incident highlights the critical need for accountability within the corporation, as the state relies heavily on HRTC employees for transportation in its tough and remote regions.