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NHAI Turns Into Corruption Den: GM Caught Red-Handed With Rs 15 Lakh Bribe, Rs 1.18 Crore Cash Recovered — CBI Must Probe Collapsing Highway Projects in Hills

Chandigarh/New Delhi:

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), trusted with building the country’s lifelines, is fast turning into a corruption hub where managers openly mint money.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) busted a major bribery racket, arresting an NHAI General Manager red-handed while accepting Rs 15 lakh from a private company for clearing project bills. Three private players, including a GM of the firm, were also arrested.


In swift raids across Patna, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur, Begusarai, Purnia, Ranchi, and Varanasi, CBI recovered a staggering Rs 1.18 crore in cash, besides seizing digital devices and incriminating documents.


The racket, registered on 22 March, involves six NHAI officers — Chief GMs, GMs, and senior officials — along with a private company and contractors.

The officials were hand-in-glove with the company, clearing inflated and poor-quality work bills in return for fat bribes.


No wonder, portions of highways sink or collapse within months of construction. Look at the hill states — Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand — where newly built highways turn into death traps. Multiple stretches of the Kalka-Shimla Four-Lane, Kiratpur-Manali, and Parwanoo-Solan roads have sunk or caved in like cardboard, exposing the sub-standard work and shady deals behind these projects.


Locals often ask — who’s approving these faulty projects and why is no one held accountable when hills are butchered and roads sink? This entire NHAI network of corruption must be probed threadbare, especially in fragile Himalayan regions where people's lives are at risk every day.


It’s high time the CBI expands its probe to all NHAI projects in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and other states where highways have turned into black spots of corruption. Every inch of road built under these corrupt babus must be audited — before more lives are lost.

#NHAI #CBIRaid #HighwayScam #HimalayanLoot #KalkaShimlaFourLane #RoadToScam #HighwayCollapse #CBIProbe #CorruptionInHills #ParwanooSolanCollapse #KiratpurManaliLoot #InfrastructureLoot #TaxPayersMoney #CBIAction #Himachal #Uttarakhand

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