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Khulllars of Taj Baragarh Resort with Singer

MANALI: Bollywood's glitterati descended upon lush green Kullu Manali as the famous singer Ammy Virk and the stunning actress Sargun Mehta, both stars of the much-anticipated "Saunkan Saunkne 2," were warmly welcomed at the luxurious Taj Baragarh Resort & Spa.

 The event was nothing short of glitzy with Vivek Sharma as the Executive Producer and Ramesh as the local coordinator ensuring everything went off without a hitch.

They have come to Kullu-Manali for the shooting of Saunkan Saunkan 2. 

The Khullar family's hospitality shone brightly, as Nakul Khullar, Director of Taj Baragarh Resort & Spa, personally welcomed the Bollywood icons alongside local luminaries Rajnu and Mohit Panuche.

The young dynamo, Nakul Khullar,  special Award of Excellence Vijeta, symbolized Bollywood's growing love affair with Kullu Manali, which is a favorite haunt for the shooting stars.

The event, graced by the presence of M.D. Anil Khullar, and Gunaal Khullar marked a significant milestone for the resort, reinforcing its status as a premier destination for the stars.

With Nakul Khullar and Gunaal Khullar leading the charge, the evening was a perfect blend of glamour, luxury, and the rustic charm of Kullu, leaving everyone in awe.

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