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  • HimbuMailNewsService www.himbumail.com

SHIMLA: Faculty members of IGMC and its Dental College have reached their breaking point. Under the banner of SAMDCOT, they have threatened mass casual leave if the government remains indifferent to their demand.

The protest stems from the Sukhu government’s failure to resolve the winter vacation issue. This, despite assurances from Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu himself.

The General Body Meeting (GBM) was held today at IGMC. Organized by the State Association of Medical and Dental College Doctors (SAMDCOT), the meeting focused on the ongoing delays in granting winter vacations.

Over 150 doctors and faculty members attended the meeting. Frustration dominated the discussion.

Many expressed anger over the yearly recurrence of the issue. They stated that significant energy is wasted every year just to secure their due break.

SAMDCOT members met with mounting frustration over the government’s delayed response. Many doctors demanded a stronger stand. Some even suggested a strike or mass leave as the next step.

The teaching load on faculty is immense. Staff from BSc, PG, Nursing, and MBBS programs pointed out the pressure they face. Yet, their demand for an official winter vacation remains ignored.

SAMDCOT President Dr. Balbir Verma addressed the gathering. He assured members that the CM had verbally promised the vacation format would remain the same.

Dr. Verma confirmed a meeting with the Chief Minister on Monday. He said the faculty would be updated after this discussion.

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