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  • KuldeepChauhan Editor in Chief This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Victims of Cloudburst Disaster

New Delhi/Shimla: Taking cognizance of new challenges thrown up by frequent catastrophic disasters across the country, the Disaster Management (Amendment) Act, 2024 has introduced several critical updates to the 2005 Act.

Though the New Act will pump in more funds for the states and giving opportunities for employment for trained youth, but the New Act does not place an "over due focus on prevention of disasters". 

Not only this the new Act is silent on the compensation to be paid to disaster Victims.

The Himalayan States like Himachal, Uttarakhand and Northeaster states have limited funds available for compensating the disaster victims, they compensate the victims under the State Relief Manual, which is as good as peanuts.  

New Act now empowers states constitute Urban Authorities in disaster planning for big cities. It empowers the states to establish its own  State Disaster Response Forces. They also need  creation of comprehensive disaster databases.

The amendments also clarify that law and order issues are excluded from "man-made causes". Instead It  focuses on  the importance of disaster-resilient infrastructure. The States now will have allocate disaster management to the minister. 

The New Act has includes DGP  as member of the state disaster committee. 

When we culled  the new Act, there are 10 major Changes in the Disaster Management (Amendment) Act, 2024 that states now need to focus on. 

1. Urban Authorities: Now officially included alongside District Authorities, enhancing urban disaster planning and response in big cities.

2. State Disaster Response Force: States can establish their own specialized forces for disaster response.

3. Disaster Database: A new comprehensive record of disaster-related data, from assessment to fund allocation.
4. Clarification on "Man-Made Causes": Excludes law and order issues.
5. Updated Definitions: New and updated terms like disaster risk, evacuation, rehabilitation, and resilience to improve clarity and response strategies.

6. New Committees: National Crisis Management Committee and High-Level Committee introduced to handle major disasters and provide financial assistance to states.

7.  No adhocism now. There will be Daily Operations and Staffing. National Authority’s daily operations can be managed by the Vice-Chairperson or a designated member, with the ability to appoint experts and consultants as needed.

8. Penalties and Compliance of national guidelines is mandatary. Non-compliance can now attract penalties up to ₹10,000.

9. Resource Definition: Explicitly includes human and material resources, and equipment.

10. National and State Plans: The National Authority will coordinate the preparation and approval of the National Plan, while State Authorities will handle State Plans, reviewing and updating them regularly.

According to the Act, these amendments aim to streamline and strengthen disaster management, ensuring better preparedness, response, and resilience across India.

For the states like Himachal and Uttarakhand, the New Act provide for more funds and jobs for disaster management.    

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