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Himachal Pradesh Governor formally gave the award of the Presidential Colours to Himachal Pradesh police in a ceremony  held at  The  Ridge on December 1,  2021.

Now on,  the flag of Presidential colours will be flown at all police offices, in districts and battalions. All personnel of Himachal Pradesh police will also wear its insignia on their uniforms, said the police spokesperson.

According to the police release, the Investiture ceremony for award of medals (both gallantry and service) on behalf of the Hon’ble President of India is carried out by the state Governor. Himachal Pradesh police was awarded the Presidential Colours by the President of India on the 17th of March 2019.

Normally, the state Governments recommend the proposal for award of Presidential Colours to its State police force to the Government of India. The Government of India examines the proposal in accordance with the norms and standards set for the Colours, said the release. After due consideration, the Central Government forwards the proposal to the President of India with their observations.

The Colours are awarded by the President of India only after due diligence when the force is indeed found to be high on performance, professionalism, integrity, protection of human rights and service to humanity amongst other criteria.

HP police spokesperson said the award of the Presidential Colours is a reflection on the sum total of police team work in the service of humanity. “It will indeed be a proud day for us, especially considering that we are only the eighth State Police force to get this recognition- much ahead of some bigger and more resource surplus states”, he claimed.

The Himachal Police owes this reward to its personnel, who have worked tirelessly over the years to make it credible, professional, honest and people-friendly. “Nirbhaya, Nishpaksh, Satyanishth” are the guiding principles of the Himachal Police, he stated

The police have performed their duties braving harsh weather, mountainous topography and vulnerability to natural disasters. There recent steps taken by the police to address issues of crime against women and children and trafficking of narcotics have been applauded by all stakeholders, said the spokesperson.

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