
Sunday - October 06, 2024

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Shimla Citizens Rally to Raise Awareness on Forest Fires...

Shimla – In a spirited move to tackle the devastating forest fires that plague Himachal Pradesh every year, members of Shimla Citizens, a nonpolitical organization, took to the streets today. Led by Major General (Retd.) Atul Kaushik, the group marched from the Sports Complex near the HP Tourism Lift to highlight the urgent need for action against these annual infernos.

Every year, thousands of hectares of forest land in Himachal Pradesh are ravaged by fires, destroying biodiversity and tree cover.

Today's march aimed to wake up both the public and government authorities to the severe impact of these fires and the importance of preventive measures.

The Himachal Pradesh Forest Department's data shows that forest fires are a recurring disaster, often caused by dry conditions and human activities.

The participants emphasized the critical need for effective strategies to prevent and combat these fires, including:

Community Awareness: Educating locals on how to avoid activities that can spark fires.

Rapid Response Teams: Forming teams that can quickly detect and extinguish fires.

NGO Participation: Encouraging non-governmental organizations to actively participate in firefighting efforts alongside the fire and forest departments.

Maj Gen Kaushik stressed the importance of ground-level campaigns and community involvement in tackling the menace of forest fires. "It's not just about awareness but also about being prepared to act swiftly when fires break out," he said.

The Shimla Citizens' march today is a call to action for everyone to contribute to protecting our forests from this recurring catastrophe.

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