
Tuesday - March 04, 2025

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  • HimbuMailNewsService

SHIMLA/KOTKHAI:  The major complex at Khaltu Nala township in Kotkhai after large cracks, some as deep as one meter, appeared finally collapsed that has caused  widespread concern among residents and triggering evacuation of over 2500 residents.

Five buildings in the Khaltu Nala Bazaar have already suffered damage, and more than 70 families have been forced to evacuate their homes and seek shelter with relatives and friends in nearby villages.

The situation has raised alarms due to the ongoing flash floods in Himachal Pradesh.

The cracks, ranging from one centimeter were first noticed by shopkeepers in the morning. By 4:00 p.m. today, the cracks had widened up to two to three feet, causing alarm among  locals. Next the entire building collapsed  on July 22 in the night hours.  

The Himachal electricity board has taken precautionary measures by cutting off transmission lines to Khaltunala, fearing the possibility of electrocution in the event of a sinking or landslide, which could lead to a major catastrophe.

Khaltunala, a center on the main Guma-Thana-Ratnadi-Baghi Road, connecting the major Apple belt of Kotkhai subdivision, Ubadesh, is facing a dire situation.

The district disaster management team and sub-divisional management teams are yet to go there and assess the situation on the ground.

Local Pardhan and residents are expressing their concerns, fearing that these cracks may escalate into a disaster similar to Joshi Math.

As a result of the ongoing crisis, the bazaar has become deserted, with shopkeepers closing their shutters and relocating their belongings to temporary shelters provided by nearby villagers.

Apple farmers, who depend on the route, are also  worried about the safety of the road ahead of the upcoming apple season.

The cracks pose a risk to traffic and the general public, as they may cut off the entire area from the main highway, Guma-Chaila-Thoeg, and Shimla.

The cracks have raised relevant question on the strata of the Khaltu Nala Bazaar that has developed over the decades without ascertaining its formation and topography  by government agencies. Even locals have raised question about about the lack of proper drainage system in the area as this Bazar as the name indicate lies in Nala. 

Residents appeal to the district administration and the subdivision administrator of Kotkhai to take immediate action.

They are urging the authorities to bring in geologists and scientists to assess the magnitude and exact dimensions of the cracks and implement necessary remedial measures.

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